Enjoy life and be kind to others

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Meditation and hiking

I have been using headspace these past weeks. I started with a free 10 day basic pack. Headspace is an app created to guide people through meditation. I have learned more about what mindfulness is and how to be in the moment. Meditation is shown to help with sleep focus and anxiety. The app has actually been working super well. Spending a couple minutes a day has been helping me feel more grounded and relaxed throughout the day.I planned to go on a hike this weekend with my friend. My plans were foiled when it started getting dark at 3:30 right when we were planning on going. So the next day I planned to go however there was a rockslide near mt. Finn where we had planned on going. Instead me and my friend went to Mt. Doug/Pkols and the Uvic gardens. The garden was amazing. It was a little cold outside but it worked out because we went and walked the gardens after hiking the mountain. Hiking is great to become closer to the environment and it acts as a good workout.

December 1st, 2019

We started class today with more technology presentations. We learned about environmental awareness through technology and technology that can help mental health. We also learned about gasification in the classroom and coding. Mr Rich Mccue came back into our class for the rest of our class. He expanded my knowledge base on augmented reality. He allowed us to practice on the augmented reality app using iPads. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xd7sgc-oj6dpr5z2uZN3XNTbYbH95cbrilG80wfJCr0/edit

Later a group of about 6 of us left the building to try virtual reality. This was my first time trying virtual reality. Today I learned girls are more likely to suffer from motion sickness when using virtual reality and children under 13 shouldn’t be using it. Virtual reality was super cool. I got to explore using google maps, although I wish I went in the other group. They had a more interactive experience using virtual reality. Todays class was super interesting I was happy I had the opportunity to experience virtual reality. At the very end of class we talked about all the things we learned throughout the year in EDCI336.

September 30th, 2019

First, I would like to acknowledge today was Orange shirt day. We got to attend an Indigenous ceremony and take a group photo in our orange shirts. The orange shirts show we acknowledge every child matters. In class we learned about audio editing, video editing, green screen editing and screen capturing. Learning about the different layers to editing was very interesting. Rich Mccue who manages the University of Victoria Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons was our guest speaker. He gave us an introductory lesson to video editing using iMovie. He was very helpful, I was able to figure out the assignment despite my lack of tech skills. It was easy to understand as he had step by step instructions. I started with the video editing. I used a video of goats and proceeded to manipulate it. I cut the video, adjusted the volume, added transitions and created a title page and credit page. We then learned how to use Audacity and Screencastify. Screencastify is really easy to set up using the plugin you are able to record your voice and what you are doing on the screen. This is a great tool to teach someone how to use a website or create a presentation. The workshop with Mccue was very beneficial and I feel as though I can use the new skills when teaching my own class. 


Working out

This week I have been focusing on workouts. I am planing on working out three days this week. During the summer I go to the gym everyday because I have time however during the school year my time is limited. I did go to the gym however I feel behind in my school work. I talked to a uvic kinesiology graduate about what workouts are best health wise. She explained it is important to work the lower body upper body and core. A variety of workouts is important to help new muscle growth. She also explained how it is beneficial to start your workout with cardio to help with fat burning. The workout plan she created for me uses lower and upper body. It was difficult because I didn’t know some of the exercises and had to look them up at the gym. I was also super sore as I hadn’t worked out in a while. But once I got the hang of it the third workout of the week was great. The only issue is I am now behind in my school work.

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