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Author: keannaf (Page 4 of 4)

Piano Midterm

Blog Post: two

I continued to practice reading music although I am by no means an expert. I decided to move on and start learning to play the piano. The first thing I did was put post-its on the keys to help me remember which keys are specific notes. Then I decided to play around with the keys. I learned where middle C was and proceeded to learn a song. The first song I learned was Row row row your boat. This song uses the notes C, D, E, F and G. It was difficult to play at first, but once I practiced more and got used to how my fingers should move it became easier. The second song I learned was Twinkle twinkle little star. Twinkle twinkle little star uses six notes C, D, E, F, G and A. For both songs, I had to practice often and was not able to play them by simply reading the music. I am a kinaesthetic learner so I rely more on my fingers movement to learn. I found Twinkle twinkle little star surprisingly easy after learning Row row row your boat. I also learned the Dreidel song, which I found the most challenging of the pieces. The new note in the song I learned was B. It took a while to learn the Dreidel song, but it helped that I knew the rhythm and how it was supposed to sound as I struggled through it. Once I finally mastered it I felt very accomplished, which is one of the benefits of learning an instrument.

Piano Midterm

Blog Post One:

Playing the piano has proven more challenging then I originally thought. However, the bumps in the road are all part of the process of learning a new instrument. Now I realize I will not be able to learn to play using both hands. This is okay because I said I simply wanted to try, which I did. I also tried to learn how to read bass clef however I was confused between the two clefs. I decided it was more productive to learn one clef well then two poorly. Therefore my inquiry project path changed. I started off learning treble clef. I learnt the acronyms FACE and Every Good Boy Does Fine. Surprisingly, I did not remember much from playing the clarinet in middle school so I had to relearn most skills. I filled out worksheets and read piano theory books. The pitch and rhythm practice worksheets given out in class were very useful. Some dynamics I learned to indicate playing quiet are pp/pianissimo which stands for play “very soft”, p/piano stands for play “soft” and mp/ mezzo-piano means play “moderately soft”. The dynamics that indicate playing louder are mf/mezzo-forte which stands for play “moderately loud”, f/forte means play “loud” and ff/fortissimo means play “very loud”. I also learned what crescendo and diminuendo mean. Diminuendo is Latin for diminishing and indicates volume must gradually decrease. Crescendo is a gradual increase in volume. The worksheets I completed helped me learn the length of notes. I know a whole note lasts for the whole bar, and a half note takes up half the measure. I also learned a quarter note is one beat. Rests are intervals of silence. Whole rests hang and half rests look like a hat. Then there are quarter rests which symbolize a quarter of silence in a measure.

Eating Healthy

This week I am planning on eating healthy. I have always struggled to eat healthy so I bought a membership to WW. This app lets me know how many points I can have a day and every food is a certain amount of points. Chicken eggs fish fruit and vegetables are the only foods that aren’t any points. I am allowed 23 points a day. First four days of the week went great but the forth day I went over the points because my family had thanksgiving dinner. The day after I also went over because I forgot to save points for the wine I drank with friends. But the WW has been going well overall. I hope to continue with it.

Working out

This week I have been focusing on workouts. I am planing on working out three days this week. During the summer I go to the gym everyday because I have time however during the school year my time is limited. I did go to the gym however I feel behind in my school work. I talked to a uvic kinesiology graduate about what workouts are best health wise. She explained it is important to work the lower body upper body and core. A variety of workouts is important to help new muscle growth. She also explained how it is beneficial to start your workout with cardio to help with fat burning. The workout plan she created for me uses lower and upper body. It was difficult because I didn’t know some of the exercises and had to look them up at the gym. I was also super sore as I hadn’t worked out in a while. But once I got the hang of it the third workout of the week was great. The only issue is I am now behind in my school work.


My plan for the weekend was cook healthy foods and go to the gym but unfortunately I am sick and therefore too tired to go to the gym. As for the healthy foods I did make a smoothie but besides that I just ate my regular sick food palate soup and ice cream. I decided to be productive and focus on my well being therefore I had a bath using a bath balm with serotonin. The serotonin is supposed to increase happiness. I tried meditation later from a mindful app.  I hope to continue using the meditation app. It was so relaxing I feel asleep. Sleep is important for a healthy lifestyle so I’m going to let it slide. After my nap I cleaned my room and did my homework in order to feel organized for the beginning of a new week.

My Inquiry Question

Being a student is hard work for any program whether you are taking 4 classes in sciences or 6 classes in education. My inquiry question is how do you maintain a healthy lifestyle while being a student? What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle? In the attempts to answer my question I decided I would start going to the gym more having a set work out plan, eating healthier and learning to cook more healthy meals. I am also planning to do things for my mental well being such as meditation.

I am hoping a healthier lifestyle will alter my mood. I have doubts though because the biggest reason I do not maintain a super healthy lifestyle is due to the time commitment that goes along with it. I usually do not have time to go to the gym because I am studying and I make the fastest food in order to finish all my homework. I also try to leave some time to hangout with friends. The idea of being healthy although important ends up being the first thing to go when I’m stressed and have a project to finish.

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