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Category: Pedagogical Practices

Implement pedagogically context-appropriate sound practices linking assessment for/as/of learning, planning for learning, instructional strategies and approaches to engage all students in relevant and personalized learning

November 4th, 2019

Today we had students from Colquitz Middle School teach our Tech class about Minecraft.We learned danTDM is a famous Minecraft youtuber our students most likely follow. Minecraft is used to hangout with school friends on servers or used to connect with people globally. Minecraft gets students in touch with their creative side. Most of Minecraft worlds serve as a blank slate students can build on. If I brought Minecraft into the classroom I would not just tell students the tools they need to build something but allow them to figure it out on their own. This will allow students to remember how to build in the future. As a teacher you could use Minecraft as a tool to monitor students communication which is one of the curricular competencies. Today was my first time using Minecraft and I was not a huge fan. Personally I wanted a more structured idea of how to build. I am not very good with the system so I would need to practice more before implementing it in the classroom. I would not use Minecraft all the time maybe only provide a basic lesson of how to use it and then allow students to choose if They wish to use it for projects. Using Minecraft is a great way to get in touch with what your learners are doing.

Today we learned about ED Camp conferences. Before ED Camp conferences teachers would sit and listen to key note speakers during conferences. Teachers decided it would be more beneficial to talk to each other about topics they choose and thats how Ed Camp was created. It is a conference open to everyone teachers, students, and parents. The conference starts with blank boards teachers fill with topics they wish to discuss. The teachers parents and students can choose which talks they wish to go to. Today in class we did a sample ED Camp conference I went to a talk on classroom management and conflict solving. Together our group came up with ideas such as exist slip, students assigned jobs to clean the class, routines, student driven rule posters, and non participation slips.

October 21, 2019

Today our class went to the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry (PSII) a private school created by Jeff Hopkins. PSII’s s serve as teachers, counsellors and principals helping run the school. The school has a 95 (student) to 7 (educator) ratio which allows the educators to develop a good relationship with their learners. Inquiry is essentially answering an open-ended question that can lead to more questions. It is a personalized learning plan students create on their own to explore a subject in depth. Using inquiry allows the students to learn what they are passionate about. Going to the High school was a super unique experience that I am extremely grateful for as it can change the way I teach my students. Generally speaking the current education system is very structured. Inquiry eliminates the structure and allows for exploration. One of my favourite parts about the high school was the sensory room which was filled with objects directed to calm students. Examples of the sensory toys are fidgets, sensory objects, and weighted blankets.

Inquiry is an amazing concept Trevor Mackenzie along with many others came up with. I was fortunate to have Mr. Mackenzie as a high school teacher where he introduced the idea of inquiry. At first I found the idea very scary as a person who likes structure. I always want to have a more well rounded knowledge base and found it difficult to wrap my head around. At PSII I found it hard to imagine doing a project on ouster space being equivalent of Chemistry 11 although the teacher might ask them to add a section on titration I still don’t see how they would learn everything they would need for university. It was also crazy the students didn’t have blocks or time for lunch they just ate when they wanted to and took breaks when they needed to.

A potential issue with inquiry is that a student may miss key learning points that lead to future understanding in a subject/field. Another possible problem is that elementary school learners may not know what they are passionate about yet or they do know and wont want to learn about other topics. Therefor I see this system potentially fostering ignorance on certain objects. Another potential issue with the program is that if a student doesn’t like a subject an example being math they may not do it or may not be able to do it without specific instruction. The last downside I see is if a student is not motivated to learn they may not be able to work independently without guidelines. One of the biggest challenges with inquiry in the elementary level is you could spend your whole year teaching inquiry to your grade 3 class but then next year their grade 4 teacher will teach without inquiry and students may lose the skill.

I love the anecdotal report card system they use at PSII. Anecdotal report cards describe your progression throughout the year. Students only get a grade at the end of the year. Another positive to this learning style is maximum student engagement as students are passionate about the questions they attempt to answer and use self regulation to do work. I believe this system is super beneficial to teach children critical thinking and creativity skills transferable to future careers. One of my issues going through school is I would always follow the teachers instruction and information without questioning it. It makes me wonder if I grew up with inquiry based learning would be a more independent thinker? I believe if I was teaching inquiry I would use a structured inquiry approach and perhaps tell them to do a project an animal. They can write whatever they want about that animal but give examples (examples are write about the animals habitat or alimentation). Starting with structured inquiry is important as students should be taught using scaffolding. Students will slowly be learning expectations and techniques to complete thier work before throwing them in the deep end of inquiry.


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