Today we learned how to use twitter as an asset to help us follow teachers and find out what is going on in the different school districts. I got twitter for the first time to see what other educators are doing and keep up with bc teacher issues. The class was introduced to tweetdeck a platform that lets one see the hashtags you follow. I started following various education hashtags. Examples include #bclearns, #sd61learn, and #sd63learn
I am excited to learn the ins and outs and am grateful we were provided with some ideas of who to follow in class. I was taught that for safety and privacy reasons we shouldn’t add our birthdays ect. I have been introduced to Trello with is an amazing website where teachers can view students progression. It allows teachers to view what students are working on in a private way. This allows privacy between student and teacher without other classmates viewing. We are using Trello to organize our ideas for our free inquiry and tech inquiry project it is very user-friendly. We also talked Open Educational Resources that are shared online.

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