First, I would like to acknowledge today was Orange shirt day. We got to attend an Indigenous ceremony and take a group photo in our orange shirts. The orange shirts show we acknowledge every child matters. In class we learned about audio editing, video editing, green screen editing and screen capturing. Learning about the different layers to editing was very interesting. Rich Mccue who manages the University of Victoria Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons was our guest speaker. He gave us an introductory lesson to video editing using iMovie. He was very helpful, I was able to figure out the assignment despite my lack of tech skills. It was easy to understand as he had step by step instructions. I started with the video editing. I used a video of goats and proceeded to manipulate it. I cut the video, adjusted the volume, added transitions and created a title page and credit page. We then learned how to use Audacity and Screencastify. Screencastify is really easy to set up using the plugin you are able to record your voice and what you are doing on the screen. This is a great tool to teach someone how to use a website or create a presentation. The workshop with Mccue was very beneficial and I feel as though I can use the new skills when teaching my own class.

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